Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Random Thoughts...

For the regular readers you know Random Thoughts are usually memories I have from childhood..... or yesterday. :) Today I was thinking of how I had to sit on my dads shoulders when we were walking through a field because of the grasshoppers, yes grasshoppers! They were swarming! My brother froze in the same field as I did, but I was able to run back to my dad and I rode his shoulders to go back and get my brother. Ok, we were like 6 and 3 at the time, so the field was probably our back yard! LOL no, it was a field and we were probably no more than a few feet from my dad but it seemed like miles. We went and got my brother and my dad picked him up too and I remember telling him was ok, I guess I felt strong 'cause I was on my dads shoulders. I don't have a lot of fond memories of my dad...but that's a good one. We get along ok now, but it is memories like that, that I truly treasure.
Happy Hump Day tomorrow. ;-) peace

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