Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm a leg man, definitely. I think it's the most appealing part of the male body. Here is a photo shoot of Ellis McCreadie in Tetu magazine that is Love his legs!

Finally quit storming here at my brother's place in OR. I miss CA but they are still dealing with their storms. I figure maybe I'll stay another couple weeks, me and my brother having a good time. We're competitive and waiting for the sun to come out so we can hit the golf course, in addition to bowling, shooting pool (I whup his ass every time!, guess that just means I've spent more time in a bar?) and gadgets. Whose laptop is better (mine) whose cell phone is better (mine) who has the most mobile memory (me) and whatever else we can out do each other on!
He says he has the better TV, um...yeah...I'm homeless...that doesn't really apply. He does have a nice TV though, it's like a 50 inch flat screen LCD, awesome pic. We figured out how to hook our laptops up to it (like it's rocket science) and now we watch movies on it rather than waiting to burn to DVD.

Damn, I am chatty today! Well my bro and his GF sleep all day and they work the graveyard shift so I don't really converse much with anyone. LOL
okay hot legs! Enjoy! ;) peace

1 comment:

  1. I'm starting to think that polygamy might be a good thing :)

    This guy is AMAZING.
