Monday, August 16, 2010


First day of school, no eye candy in my classes! I mean, they were some cute guys (one has gorgeous legs!) but ya know nothing that would make me RUSH to my next class. Hell hardly anywhere on campus did I see anything that caught my eye (need to quit comparing to my blog posts!) so I was a bit bummed. And then, I saw him, I walked by a classroom and there he was, in gray slacks and a white and gray pin striped button up shirt. He was beautiful. I think Russian, we have a lot of Russian people that live in this area. Later I was waiting outside a counselor's office to change a class and he came up and asked if I was in line (duh, oh well they don't have to be smart) and I said yes so he took the chair next to me. *swoon* So while I don't have him in any of my classes, at least maybe I'll see him around.

Day went well, getting my bearings but excited and ready to get into it all. Uh, waking up early? Not so fun but oh well, been a year...will take me a minute to adjust. Oh AND I went to the gym today, very productive day. Me did good *pats own head*. :D Enjoy! ;) peace


  1. Thanks, I'm enjoying it and looking forward to learning more! ;) peace

  2. my grade will drop dead if there is eye candy dudes or professors in class! can't focus on lectures anymore!

  3. @Yi lol! I agree, I think I'm being told to concentrate on my courses and not worry about hot guys! ;) peace
