Sunday, February 21, 2010

Favorite Jeans

It's finally a gorgeous day here in Oregon and I took some video that I'll post later of the wonderful weather. When I woke up this morning and looked outside and saw the blue skies, I got so excited! Now normally I would throw on cargo shorts on a day like today but I thought of my favorite jeans hanging in the closet and knew I wanted to wear those. Yes, I have too much time on my hands, yes I am a dork to be blogging my fave jeans and even more of a dork for lamely trying to video me in my favorite jeans! Well, I had just woken up and was thankful for the nice day and well, hell, the video was made so I might as well post it. There are so many things that make life wonderful that even an article of clothing can make your day. I guess that's the message I was trying to convey here, but in reviewing the video sure what the message coming across is. Enjoy your day! ;) peace


  1. Jeans?

    All I remember right now is nipple!


  2. I also just see a nip.

  3. *blush* Honestly I did not know about the nip shot, I couldn't see the screen on my BB and that must have been when I hit the stop button! ;) peace

  4. I saw too but wasn't gonna say anything but as it has been mentioned now, it was Nice! :)

  5. hehe very nice. ;) I love a pair of good fitting jeans.
