Tuesday, July 11, 2006

One Red Paperclip...

...can get you a house. Have you heard of the guy who started a year ago to trade one red paperclip for a house? Well he has succeeded! Wow. Congrats to him.


  1. Well Leonard, after reading your comment on possible advantages of becoming a football/soccer fan, I've decided to come by and try to convince you...
    (As if I could just like that...)
    Last Sunday was really something awesome here in Europe. If you happened to see some pics of the Italian celebration in Berlin, I'm sure you know what I mean...
    USA must really get into it quite strongly!
    One easy question to finnish with: which one in the pic «About Me» are you? Please, don't disappoint me!...

  2. This is an awesome story. Fortunately, for people who would like to do the same sort of thing without going to all the trouble of setting up and maintaining their own blog and what not, there's already a website that will let you do this sort of stuff.

    It may or may not be what you're looking for, but could be usefull:

  3. Dang, thats a pretty inspiring story, and I want a house pretty bad myself. How a bout a blog advertised trade, I will start with one fake kettle of fire, LOL. Great post blogger friend...take care..GG

  4. Hmm, I'd trade ten dollars for some good loving. Any takers. -jocelyn
