Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Brad Pitt and Gay Marriage... for me! Brad Pitt donated a $100,000.00 to fight Prop 8 here in California which could ban same sex marriage in California. You can read the story here. Like I mentioned before I'm not sure if I would ever get married but I definitely think I should have the right to choose. Maybe this will start other people in Hollywood to "come out" against proposition 8, hello...who has more gay people than we do? It just blows my mind how it's legal for gays to marry in Massachusetts? Who lives in Massachusetts? What is IN Massachusetts? Oh wait..Boston? LOL j/k For the record I'm not putting that state down, I'm just curious as to why the people in that state seem to be more tolerant than the people in this state which is supposedly a very forward thinking progressive state. I believe people think that about CA because it's really just the SF Bay Area who has that mentality. Love the SF Bay Area... ;-) peace
(of course I'm including a pic of Brad!)A few of my faves....

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