Sunday, May 30, 2010

Songs of Sunday

Remember this flashback? LOL I loved this song when it first came out back in the day, I still do actually. I found it on one of my old CD's (which I ripped to MP3's btw), I haven't listened to CD's in for a couple years now, I just plug my BlackBerry into my car stereo! So here ya go Rednex-Cotton Eyed Joe! Oh update, I did figure out how to put my pics to music, very basic so I want to wait until I can do some special effects and such. ;) peace


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I love the song but hadn't seen this new version.

  2. There's an original?? LOL. Would love to hear it, who sings it? ;) peace

  3. LOL! Can you believe that they still play this song every year at my school's prom? This one and "Baby Got Back!" It always astounds me.
