Monday, April 29, 2013


Haha, this was a weird pic. Life is good, still at my dispatching job, I like it but wish I made more money. Still applying and interviewing for IT jobs, but with no hands on experience....not getting the jobs. All I have is school work experience. Oh well, I'm positive something will come up. :) Still renting the car on the weekends for work. Two weeks in a row I've had a Kia Soul. I really like it, may buy it if I ever get a real job. Haha. Work has been crazy, tomorrow will be my 6th day in a row. For my regular followers you know I normally work 4 10's so to say I'm exhausted is an understatement. Hope you all are well. ;) peace


  1. the big k is everywhere huh ?

    good luck with those job interviews, could you ask your teachers or professors for advice on how to get into an IT ?

    1. Thanks! Yeah I'm working with Career Services at school, and one of my IT teachers. :)
