Friday, October 4, 2013


I know I haven't blogged for over a month! But, I didn't have anything to really talk about. No job, no car, no money, always the same old thing. Until today, I got a job! And it's in IT. It was my first IT interview since I graduated college last year, and I got it! LOL What are the odds!? I'm so excited and happy. I also need to move by Nov 1st, roomie is selling the condo. AND this job does require a car because there are several sites I need to support, but I have a 3 month training curve before I need to visit said sites. So now, I'll stuff to blog about! Haha, good stuff tho. Challenging, yes, but I'm up for it. I hope you all have a great weekend. And I shall definitely be posting more often. Maybe even some "guy I like" stuff. Thanks for still following this blog. ;) peace


  1. Hooray hooray. I was starting to worry. Hope you find somewhere decent to stay. And no more long walks to the bus :-)

    1. Thanks! I'm excited! And yes, I hope so too. ;) peace

  2. congrats on getting a job in the field you want!!!!

    now remember, on ten7teen (this is thursday) is my burfffffday so make sure your thirsty blogger self wishes me a happy birthday + follow me on twitter @hurikaneelswiss

    1. LOL I did wish you happy birthday on Twitter. And I'm not even trying to follow you on Twitter, for like the 4th time! LOL ;) peace
