Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So after a week off from school I walk into my first class today, and was told I had to give an impromptu speech, and it had to have a humorous tone. #WTH? I was so not wanting to hear that! See, I dislike public speaking, and speeches, and presentations! I get so nervous! So my topic was "I hate public speaking" and when I gave my speech it was very well received! I got laughs, and applause. LOL. Wasn't expecting that, and then like 6 people came up to me afterwards to tell me my speech was the best. So that was a bad/good experience!

Oh I gave Jessie a ride home today, and he said I'm making too much of it, as far as my fear of public speaking. He said that all my presentations in classes he had with me have been great. That made me feel good. I just don't like it! ha!

Then 3rd period I realized how behind I was, but I caught up since it was a free period. 4th period I finally realized my math teacher hates me. He even wrote a nasty comment on my project he returned to me! Not shooting for an A in that class, just looking to pass!

In my night class the tech guys found out they were getting their first tech class next term. When I say tech guys I normally refer to MY tech guys from my class. These are not my tech guys. Well once they got their schedules (I should get mine tomorrow) they asked me about the class and what to expect. I felt so good. I'm a senior tech guy at school now, I have my cert, and they are just starting on theirs! I answered their questions, and reassured them if they do the work it will be easy. Just do the work, because those tech classes are grueling! They are lucky because they are night students, and when they take their tech courses that is all they take. I had to take my tech courses (which are two periods long as a day student) AND my other classes! So they should be able to focus more on their IT classes.

So yeah, was kind of a Hodgepodge kind of day. ;) peace

1 comment:

  1. I knew you'd do well on that speech. Listen to Jessie. He sounds smart. :-)

    I'm putting your math teacher on my list of people who need to be smacked. I'm sorry he wa mean. *hugs*
