Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How great was today?

So SJ (Stoner Joshua) came in today to sign his paperwork for starting next term. SJ was my first friend at school. He sat next to me in English and my first tech class. So you know how like in grade school your first friend is the one you "bond" with, and try and sit next to in all your other classes? Yeah, that's SJ and me. I like SJ because I can just be me around him. No need to compete for grades, or be the best tech guy (he's a tech guy too), we can talk about other stuff than school. Heck we can even go to lunch and not talk at all, and be okay. He calms me. Whereas Hottie (used to) frustrate me or upset me, SJ just kept me at a chill level. He finished his first term with me, but then dropped out 2nd. We kept in touch and I was always bugging him to come back. He tried a couple times, but the school wouldn't let him. I'm so excited he will be back for my last term! I think it's only fitting I started my first term with him, and that I end my last term of my first year with him. We are going to try and take first period together. Ironically, it will be in the same classroom where we started our first term together! Ha! I think school for me would have been different if he didn't drop. I give him crap all the time about leaving me with "those people", and I know he regrets dropping. He's in a better place now though. I have to talk to the Dean tomorrow about getting him in my first period.

Another great thing that happened? I found out MG (Married Guy, AND introducing a new person into my virtual world) will be taking my spreadsheets class with me at night. I took it before, but I was homeless at the time and I didn't pass, because I didn't care. So I have to take it again, and I'm so glad MG will be there. He's a great tutor for me and he helped me tonight with all my math homework! That's all I'm gonna say about MG right now, stay tuned though.

So, for my first period (with the teacher I do not like, and have to retake 2 of her classes) I'll have Matt and SJ (hopefully), so I like that. For my spreadsheets class I'll have MG who is so supportive and nice that I know I'll do good. For my math class I'll have Jessie, who is also a great person and challenges me to be a better student. I am so set for my last term, bring it! I just have to worry about my math final tomorrow. My math teacher doesn't like me, and if he gives me a bad grade on my 2nd project, I'm probably going to get kicked out of school, because I will call him out! MG went over my 2nd project and it's perfect.

I'm prepared, though, for my math final. So, we'll see. Was a great day school/friend wise. ;) peace

1 comment:

  1. I'm thrilled that you'll have SJ back. You'll have to tell me more about MG. :)
