Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Joseph Sayers

I need him today! You know he's my comfort "food"!
This has been a crazy week school wise, and everything just feels a tad "off". Hot Night Matt has been quiet since the beginning of the term, and I don't know why. I wonder if he doesn't like it because Married Guy is sitting on the other side of me now, and him and I are constantly chatting. Well, we did have our first tech class together back in the day, but then he switched to nights. Anyways, so yeah, HNM isn't as chatty this term.

Hottie and Sj, where to begin? Well SJ has been drunk texting me at night, and a couple nights ago he drunk dialed me hella late!LOL I'm hoping he actually finishes this term, I won't be at during the day next term to encourage him. And yes, we did have a convo about him cutting back on the partying during the week! We actually have tentative plans to out tomorrow night, or Friday. Should be interesting. Hottie is still annoying, but hot, Hottie. Now whenever I see him I just flat out say "I don't like you", it's driving him nuts! LOL And it's true I don't like him, but there is something about him where I can't just say "lose my number dude". So at times I sit there and listen to him tell me about all this dysfunctional crap he gets himself into, and just think...such a waste of hotness.

Other than that, life is good at school. Just a few tech guys from my class still around as we prepare to start 2nd year next month. It's fun answering the questions of the new tech guys who are just starting their classes, or in the testing phase for their cert. Makes me feel those grueling tech classes were worth it! And some of these guys are hot! Why weren't there any hot guys in my class? Well I guess I wouldn't have got the grades I did if there were. :) Well Matt is pretty cute.

Off to night class now, going to see if I can engage HNM in a convo.
Enjoy! ;) peace

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