Thursday, February 24, 2011

Things that Make Me Laugh!

I'm not gonna lie, today sucked! I had to drop a class, Hottie was sad, but annoying, and I totally froze up on tonight's Math test. Then Armageddon opened up the heavens this evening and I was wearing nothing but a long sleeved t-shirt and some jeans! It's cold, it's freezing, I'm cranky and if Hottie calls me like he said he was going to...he would forever rethink about knowing me. I need a do-over!

So based on that, I am grateful I have place to lay my head tonight (for those who have followed me for awhile, you know I was homeless), I'm grateful I'm in school and I am grateful for a lot...but...damn, today was just awful! I'm still here though and still thinking as many good thoughts as I can. I needed a laugh, so you know I had to turn to GloZell. She makes me laugh.

I am beat and I know Eyre will say something sweet (but I want the truth), I totally went back and looked for comma did I do? #schoolismessingwithmyhead
;) peace


  1. You survived the day without killing Hottie. That's a positive, right? ;-) Since you don't have class today, take sometime to enjoy perving on some t.v. vampires. If you've made it through all your VD, try to find something else online. Maybe you can find some episodes of the Lair. The acting is horrible, but most of the actors are porn stars so there's plenty of eyecandy. ;-) Same goes for Dante's Cove--bad acting, but the guys are hot!

    I'm not going to say a word about your punctuation other than it wasn't perfect, but it was a heck of a lot better than what most people post online. It was definitely better than what I grade every week. :-P

    Don't beat yourself up over today. It will get better. *hugs*

  2. Oh I just love her. That was great. I'm sorry you had a bad day, hun. I hope Friday is better for you. I don't even want to think about you being homeless again. It makes me sad. :( Anyway, TGIF and hottie better be nice to you. I'd hate to have to come over there and kick some hottie arse. hehe loves, Be

  3. Aww, i'm sorry you had such a horrible day. hugs x
    Hope things get better for you:)

    Why was Hottie sad? Was it because you dropped a class or because he knew you was having an awful day or just because?

    Have a fab weekend :)

  4. @eyre lolz, thank! I need to hear that!! Correct me! Today was a good day, I didn't do much but read my new Bart Yates book (so addicted to it) and watch TV on my laptop. Hope your weekend goes well, hugz! ;) peace
    @becullen no really, you can kick his ass, I'll watch. :) I need to bring you up to date on him, he's repressed and has feelings for me. In a nutshell, so I deal with his passive/aggressiveness ;) peace
    @sylvia thank you hon! Hottie is just going through his own things. Not my prob and no reason for him being a dick to me! ;) peace
