Saturday, May 26, 2012


I know. I know. I'm sorry. I haven't blogged that much lately, and I'm a bad blogger, and you have been denied seeing hot men. So, I will rectify that in this post! Quick update: Still in school, still no job, still no car, but still optimistic. I got my schedule for my LAST 2 classes for this degree, and then I'm done. Woot woot!

 I spent the day with my best friend from high school. Not my BFF, but more than that, he's like my brother. He was looking at houses to buy, and I love looking at real estate, and it was a great day to catch up. I can go years (and have) of not speaking with him, but once we are in each others company, it's like no time has passed at all. I love that about us, we don't need to talk every day, we just always know we are there for each other.

I will blog more often, there will be a Songs of Sunday tomorrow, and once again I'm sorry. A lot going on with school, studying for my Microsoft cert, and um....that lil Android game I downloaded called Defender II. Haha, it rules me! :) Enjoy your holiday weekend. ;) peace


  1. step ya blogger game up!

    "I can go years (and have) of not speaking with him, but once we are in each others company, it's like no time has passed at all."
    i am happy to read that you have someone you can talk and share things with in real life

    good luck with those two classes and good luck getting a job!!!!


    1. Thanks El.;) He gave me a laptop today. It's a good feeling having a friend like him. ;) peace
