Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Remember this?

...do you remember in 1999 hearing this song and thinking, this is so lame..but um, wish it was around for my graduation. :D
I don't know why but I have been thinking about this song lately, so I had to track it down and here it is. ;) peace enjoy

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Women's fancy shawl...

...this is also a good video of some good dancing fancy shawl...look at the feet. It's not like here in Cali, this is what I guess you would call a "down home" video. ;) peace

Work is kind of kicking my ass!

Believe me, I am trying to kick back but it's not working. I only have a few weeks left in this position and then my contract is up and I am being tugged apart from different people clamoring to get their projects finished before my end date. People, relax...life is wonderful and so am I, it'll happen...my way. I don't need IM's, phone calls, emails etc. I know what needs to be done and I am on top of it, you are messing with my euphoria that engulfs me when I think of walking out on my last day knowing I will not grace those doors again. That guard shack, the turn style, the locked doors only opened with my badge. The cubicle where I never get to talk to anyone face to face or even on the phone (well except recently people have been calling)...my communication is just IM an email...IM and email....IM AND EMAIL!! I am a people person! I look forward to my next job, office gossip...lunch with co-workers actually using my voice to talk to someone face to face. Ahhh...life will be good. Until then, I wish I was able to come home to one of these guys and just rest my head and be told...everything is going to be ok. ;) peace

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fancy Shawl, Crow Hop

...here is a pretty good vid of a crow hop. You all know I'm about being traditional but this actually is not that bad, old school wise.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Niece at her first powwow...

...ok well not her first but her first where she is dancing. She's the one with the blue star shawl and the white rabbit hair ties bouncing around. LOL ;) peace

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Today's Weather...

...was HELLA hot, ok for the first hot day of the season anyways. If I didn't have so much to do today, I would have loved to hangout at the beach with these guys!! Enjoy! ;) peace

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sounds of yesterday

Who remembers Book of Love? Boy, I touch roses? and this song...I love it. I know there is a version called tubular bells, I think from the Exorcist? I will try and post that soon,. Dang, am I that old now where my music is considered "old". Oh well, they can learn from my time. ;) peace

Sneak up Dance...

...we have a dance called a sneak up. It is when the warriors would sneak up on another tribe or the enemy. This is the womens version, my sis knows the shaking of the shawl but she didn't do it at UC Davis, she felt alone. Hey my sis is from the rez and the girls she was dancing with are from the Cali bay area...they don't know where they from. N e ways...this is how it should be. ;-) peace

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Frat Boys and a Powwow...

...so this weekend was so much fun! On Saturday was the UC Davis powwow and for the first time in years...my sister wanted to go and dance. She does Fancy Shawl, now for my regular readers you may know, she is/was? a drug addict. I think she has been clean for a few months now. We took her to 2 daughters out also and they all danced and it was just nice to be able to see my sis participate in our culture again. Lakota is 9 and Skylie is 3 and it was their first time at a powwow. Well actually I think they went to one awhile ago but they didn't dance, so their first time participating. ;) My sis still rocks.
Ok, now to the hot stuff, it was on the UC Davis campus which HAPPENED to be having Frisbee football day! Hello! I never really saw Frisbee football, but it was pretty cool...not to mention the hotties who were playing!! Some with shirts, some without...it was hot! So next to the building the powwow was in, was the rec center, I needed to log into work and was told they have a Data Lounge in the Rec center. So I went and tried but couldn't log on (you needed a Davis ID to sign on) but um...the view was great...the gym is located in the Rec Center...*sigh* hot frat boys coming from their workouts...I could care less if I had a connection! ;) All in all, a very good day...hope your weekend was well! ;-) peace

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Make me a Supermodel

Ok, so the season finale was tonight. My two faves were up for it!! Holly and Ronnie! i was so excited, well because Ronnie was gay I really wanted him to win...he didn't but he was second runner up! Here is a vid of his gorgeous ass doing how he do! I am glad Holly won though, she is beautiful and deserved it! ;)peace

Here is Holly's video about her win: