Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Holiday Blues

So, from today on, until Jan 2nd, will suck. I don't know why, but this time of year just sucks for me. Hasn't always been that way, just the last 5 years since I got back from S. Dakota. I've been homeless, unemployed, took care of my auntie who had terminal cancer, and basically it's just sucked. So, I'm going to try and be positive, and my usual optimistic self, but we'll see how that goes. It's already starting off badly. Today my brother was supposed to bring his extra car down for me to use, but he didn't. He didn't want his GF driving in bad weather, so they brought the one car. I understand his intentions were good, but now I have to take two days of traveling to ride back with him to Oregon, and then driving back. Plus, I don't like that drive, and I usually end up having a panic attack, and it's just a horrible experience. AND I have finals next week, a research paper due, and I need to start studying for my first MS Certification. AND since he didn't bring me the car, my Thanksgiving will be spent in an IHOP since I have no way down to my parent's for dinner. Can you blame me for not liking this time of year???

On a better note, I hope all of YOU have a great and safe Thanksgiving. I'm going to check out the latest Twilight movie tomorrow. ;) peace


  1. Leo,
    I'm sorry the holiday season hasn't been pleasant for you the last five years. I'm sure if your local friends knew you had nowhere to go for turkey day, they would invite you. Call someone up and see if they have an extra place at the table. There is nothing wrong with that. I have ALWAYs been glad to set more places for friends. It's what the season is all about. It all gets better. There is no dark cloud hanging over you. You do what you gotta do. You're obviously a fighter/survivor. I predict good things for you! Buck up!

  2. Hey you survived being homeless and unemployed and by what I read on Twitter you seem to be doing alright. This must mean you are a strong person right?

    Hang in there because I know things will get better for you.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving. Some advice (hopefully you don't mind)Try take everything one day at a time. Stressing never helps but there is still plenty of time for everything to work out. Turn the music up when driving that way your not be thinking of the long drive. Everything will work out give it time. Good luck!

  4. @Chris Thanks, but I don't have any friends here in SacTown. I have acquaintances from school, but that's about it. I do appreciate your kinds words though. ;) peace

    @TM$ That, I am, that i am. Thanks. ;) peace

    @Anon Thank you! Yes, I'm nervous about the drive, but maybe I'll turn the music up really loud and sing along! ;) peace

  5. That is when you find a driving buddy and rock out no matter where your going.

    "Be a winner- be a star
    Be happy to be who you are
    Gotta be yourself- gotta make a plan
    Gotta go for it while you can

    Pull up a seat-take a load off your feet
    You can unwind-take a load off your mind

    Get a life- get a grip
    Get away somewhere, take a trip
    Take a break-take control
    Take advice from someone you know " - Shania Twain: Come on Over *great song*
